Don't ban the Uluru climb!

by Moo

I thought long and hard about whether to climb Uluru or not. My husband and I did the walk around first and were very careful not to photograph the sacred sights.

The climb was opened the next day and we decided to do it - figuring it may be our only chance.

We rationalised the decision based on the fact that the rock was here long before the Aboriginals settled in the area.

I am interested in Aboriginal culture but I am not prepared to live by their cultural beliefs, in fact, many of their dreamtime stories set in the Uluru area are forbidden to be told to people outside of their culture - so even if I desired to have a full understanding I am denied that in advance.

People who are wanting to be respectful and not climb compare climbing the rock to climbing over a church... but I see a stronger correlation with Islam and their ban on showing a picture of Mohammad, not only are followers not allowed to show the picture, NO ONE CAN.

Many people think this is unfair, including some governments.

Some people who choose not to climb Uluru seem to think they are superior to people who do choose to climb against the wishes of the local Aboriginals.

Well, I say there are very few in that number, who choose not to climb, who have any true or profound understanding of what Aboriginal culture is all about themselves, choosing to stay off the climb might make you obedient, respectful and nice but it doesn't educate you and it doesn't make you right.

In my short stay in Uluru I got the impression that Aboriginal culture had a strong series of customs based on exclusion.

They exclude the men from the womens sections and vice versa - the opposite sex may not even view the segregated areas - which is why photographs are forbidden FOR EVERYONE.

The serious and strong attempts to get everyone off the rock is an extension of the culture of exclusion that I don't live by.

The Aboriginals say it best themselves "We don't Climb" That's fine, don't climb, don't allow your families and extended community to climb - stick with your beliefs and don't impose them on everyone else on Earth.

The climb itself was amazing and I feel strongly that people should be allowed to climb if they want to.

I am horrified by the thought that it might be banned, in my opinion that will be a tragedy.

That's all I wanted to say.
Thanks for reading.

Comments for Don't ban the Uluru climb!

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Uluru climb
by: Birgit

It's obvious you really thought very long and hard about it.
Thank you for taking the time to write. You offer much food for thought.

Hear Hear
by: Martin Schofield

I climbed it too for very much the same reasons and I could not put it better myself. Can't see the climb ever being banned. The economical lure is too great. The entire area has been developed, and beautifully too, geared toward the tourist. Nowhere near the attraction without the climb.

by: Anonymous

Oh dear. Clearly, you did not speak with the indigenous tour groups at the base of the rock. They are more than happy to share their stories. You've really missed an opportunity there.

People go to the toilet on top of the rock, and it ends up in the kid's watering holes, and they get really very sick. Well done on encouraging that sort of tourists' ignorance.

Well done for being a hero and pretending that you know the reasons the locals don't want you to climb. Maybe you should have asked them. I'm happy to come and pollute your back yard if you like.

Don't ban the climb!
by: Moo

It's true I did not take a guided tour, but I certainly did visit the cultural centre and read all the posted signs.

The signs around the rock CLEARLY state that many of the dreamtime stories are secret and may not be shared with tourists.

As for people using the rock as a toilet - well that's gross if it's true but I did not see any human excrement anywhere on top or anywhere near the climb at all.

Ayers Rock itself (as well as the whole national park) was absolutely pristine and free from any garbage, we saw none.

By the way, did you know I have photo's of little fishes living on top of Ayers Rock? Actual vertebrates? Seeing that alone made the climb worthwhile, it was exhilarating!

Those rock pools up on top mustn't be polluted - otherwise such magic just couldn't happen.

In addition, the pools around the base of the rock were full of the cleanest and clearest water I had ever seen in my life.

There are pretty serious fences surrounding the waterbeds and plenty of signs forbidding swimming, it is still a national park from what I understand...

Don't Climb Uluru - respect the traditional owners of the land
by: Anonymous

The common mentality of the Australian climber is, "the rock belongs to everyone and everyone should be able to climb it." This mentality really misses the point of the argument. It's a matter of mutual cultural respect. We've already taken the land from the Aboriginal people and now we further desecrate their sacred sites and places of cultural significance by putting a chain into Uluru and allowing hundreds of thousands of people to climb it. The Australian Government speaks of Reconciliation but how can that be achieved when it disrespects the culture it attempts to apologise to by allowing the climb. The Anangu people, the traditional owners of Uluru ask people not to climb because it is disrespectful to their culture. The Federal Government needs to take a strong stance against the climb to promote Reconciliation around Australia.

Ban the Climb
by: Nev

I can understand that you think your reasoning is sound, but its not logical. For starters, the reason why the beliefs of the traditional owners should be upheld is because they have been acknowledged as the traditional owners of that land. The old "my home, my rules" rule applies.

Secondly, just because someone hasn't owned something since the dawn of time doesn't mean they have no rights to that. If that is the case, then by your logic, there should be no boundaries between countries, and no one has the right to refuse anyone entry to our country or anyone else, because we've only been here for 200 years.

If you don't respect the traditional owners rights because they've only been the owners of the land for less than 50,000 years, then by the same token its OK to go to ANZAC cove on ANZAC day and get pissed and litter the place with empty VB cans and piss on the memorials... after all the Turks have only been there for a couple of thousand years, and the Aussies were only there for a couple of months, and at no time during the Gallipoli campaign did they actually have much claim to that land as their own.

Ditto for any church, or war cemetery. In fact, unless you can prove some traditional ownership of your own home, dating back say a million or so years, by your own reasoning you have no right to fence if off for yourself, or to lock anyone out.

by: Moo

Human beings are territorial by nature.

We are also natural invaders of the territories of other peoples and we are warlike creatures.

Europeans invaded Australia and took the land over 200 odd years ago. This was not the first and will not be the final time an Indigenous population is displaced.

We won the war, an unfair war, against a gentle people who had no chance of winning.

I share in the white guilt. I am sorry.

I sincerely wish our history was different, that human nature was different.

But it is not.

I have already made the climb, and may never have another chance to climb again, but I would fight to see that the climb remains open for any person who wants to climb - because it is truly amazing.

I absolutely DO NOT ACCEPT that the rock belongs to any one group.

I absolutely DO NOT ACCEPT that the religion and primitive beliefs of any one group should EVER be visited on any other person and restrict their freedoms.

And finally, I ABSOLUTELY REJECT the ridiculous notion that having the government ban the climb outright will do a SINGLE THING other than create resentment and anger, it will NEVER aid reconciliation.

Anyone who thinks that banning the climb outright will aid in reconciliation needs a remedial social studies lesson. STAT.

Ban on the climb
by: Anonymous

I understand that an outright ban of the climb would result in cultural tensions however it is necessary for the Australian Government to demonstrate respect of the cultural beliefs of this land's traditional owners. Allowing a climb on a place of cultural significance does not demonstrate this at all.

Are you aware the Racial Discrimination Act is currently suspended in Australia? Doesn't this seem wrong? The UN seems to think so! It was suspended by Howard for the Northern Territory intervention, so the government could go in due to suspected child abuse. Of the 7500 children examined only 4 possible cases of child abuse was found. The Government needs to show some respect and reinstate the Racial Discrimination Act.

Not visiting
by: American Tourist

My family and I are planning a trip to Australia in 2 years. By that time, the ban may be in effect. If so, we will not be visiting Uluru. I respect the culture and everything, but I believe areas like this need a draw to get people to visit the middle of nowhere.

I can see Ayers Rock in pictures and on YouTube. I want to climb it. If not, we won't be spending money on flights, meals, gas, accommodations, etc in that area. Thus, causing a decrease in the surrounding economy. We will just save 1500 dollars and go home early.

Get facts right first
by: Central Australian

What is right and what?s wrong? Every decent person would know the answer, those who don?t, well you might have missed something important in your life, I feel sorry for your children. Just to get the facts right, you can?t compare the Central Australia history with the rest of Australia.

Some of you know that the history started 200 years ago, which is correct, but not for Central Australia. The story of white man living in Uluru goes back about 80 years ago, til then those elderly Aborigines you see these days, where still kids running around naked and looking for bush tucker, sleeping under the stars and living life. Suddenly the invasion of white Australians came and everything changed for indigenous people.

Have a think about it how you would feel in their situation? How would you react if you had to change your complete life style you have been living for more than 60000 years, to suit the white men profile from today to tomorrow? Would you really trust the invaders?

I have been living here in Yulara (the resort at Ayers Rock) for more than 5 years, I?m involved in different kind of jobs including working with Anganu people. I had the privilege to learn from the direct source about their culture and how strong they are still connected to the land. Respecting it and living with it.

Did anybody of guys who climbed the rock ever thought why actually the Aborigines don?t wont you climb? Did you make the effort to ask somebody why? Have you questioned why the climb occasionally is closed and why? Probably not otherwise you would not come up with such absurd comments of the climb being closed. With every ignorant tourist, who is in difficulty while up there climbing the rock, the rescue team has to go up there to rescue them, and they get put into great danger as well because it is not an easy exercise, have you ever thought about that? You guys are not just putting yourself into danger but everybody else with a common sense as well, and you think that?s OK! Maybe you?re right in saying they should not be closing the climb, with one condition to ban all rescue attempts for that person who climbs and gets hurt. In fact everyone who climbs the rock knows, they do it at their own risk, so why putting somebody else into dangers just because of their stupid behavior and ignorance? If they get stuck up there than that is their problem and they have to deal with it, they put themselves into that situation.
If tourists get hurt, or worse die while climbing, Anganu people mourn for their families. They feel responsible because that person got hurt or died on their land and they (Anganu) could not do anything. If a non-indigenous person dies, because they climbed, their souls stays within the area of the Uluru and they don?t belong there, that?s what Anganu belief.

Think first before you decide to climb, see the whole picture not just what you see with your eye.

Why not visit Uluru if you can't do the climb?
by: JBB

@American Tourist, you're not going to Uluru if you can't do the climb, why not? Do you think the climb is the only attraction of this fantastic national park? It's bit the same thought that Americans have of my country The Netherlands, they expect us to have tulips all year round and we still walk on wooden shoes! Well we don't!

In July 2010 we visited Uluru for the second time, why a second time? Simple, the first time in 1992 it was magic without doing the climb and now it again was fantastic! Get up early, watch the sunrise, very impressive, make the walks there, visit Kata Tjuta too, make walks there.

Unforgettable memories without the climb. Personally I think everybody should respect the wish of the Aboriginal people not to climb Uluru. We already decided the first time not to climb. I think lots of people underestimate the climb, we saw people with young children climbing, irresponsible in my opinion. People indeed don't think about the risks, also not about the risks for a rescue team.

I think it's mainly a matter of respect not to climb Uluru, we want respect for our culture, we don't want our holy places to be damaged and it's only normal the Aboriginal people also don't want that. I hope to come back to Uluru for a third time and enjoy it just as much as the two other times without doing the climb.

Missing Link - Moo, Silly Cow
by: Whyallee

Hey, Sorry Moo, but you've missed it again. Or maybe you've actually hit it but don't know it.

You're right when you say we shouldn't BAN climbing a sacred site. If we were fair dinkum about reconciliation, people out of understanding and respect (reconciliation) would naturally choose not to climb but rather immerse in the culture and feel great from that emotional connection, rather than physical connection of "shit, what a's all flat, eh".

"Could have told you that at the bottom, eh"

Ah, Thank God for American Tourists
by: Whyallee

Gee, the fact that I couldn't climb right to the torch of the Statue Of Liberty didn't stop me from visiting and immersing in US culture.

I did a bit of research before hand and visited and respected American cultural and religious sites with a respectful attitude of their culture.

Pity lots of oversees tourists don't do the same in our outback!

@ Whyallee
by: Anonymous

Two thumbs up for Whyallee!!

Let's not call for respect and call names in the same post.
by: Moo

I'm over this already.
I've climbed - you haven't.
I know - you don't.
It's magic up there. Magic.
I'd love to climb it again, I would if I could.
Deny yourself the climb for any reason you desire, encourage others to avoid it.
Do whatever you like.
I've been, it doesn't hurt me if you don't go.
In reality, it won't hurt me if I never manage to go again. But it will be a shame.
That climb is magic, amazing, awesome, wonderful.

You have no idea and an unqualified opinion.

In respect
by: Anonymous

Do you, Moo, know any Indigenous people? In saying that I mean do you or have you ever had any great friendship with a person of Indigenous heritage?

I don't mean to offend you as you have offended me as an Indigenous person but your comments appear to be extremely uneducated on the topic. I agree completely with the right of free speech but it is extremely offensive to read uneducated comments on such a complex and deep topic in Australia.

I will leave you with a good resource in the hope that you will better educate yourself on the history and current abuse of human rights in Australia. It is not specifically related to Anangu culture but it would be a good start for you if you choose to really understand. But then again, if you don't, that's okay. It's your decision and I respect that.

Kind Regards

No title
by: Moo

Do I know of any aboriginals? Have I ever had a close relationship with one?
My own father was quarter caste and my extended family has many aboriginals within it.
I do not identify myself as aboriginal, however.

I also attended Goodna primary school in Brisbane's west, the student body was made up of many cultures including a strong component of aboriginals who were also many of my neighbors.
Goodna primary school had an excellent component of aboriginal studies. We even had a Gunya in our year 3 classroom. I remember it well.
I did indigenous studies at QUT in 2002 as an elective as part of my social science course. I got a distinction BTW.

Ayers Rock and the surrounding issues had never been brought up by any single aboriginal I'd ever encountered; ever.
First I ever knew of the issue was in October last year (2010) when I visited the rock.

I'm sorry if you're offended, but I have the right to my own opinion.
If it upsets you, don't read.

Oh dear Moo
by: Anonymous

I agree that Uluru is indeed a beautiful an awe inspiring place and you shouldn't have to give reasons on why you decided to climb. We all have to make decisions that we can live with and clearly you weighed up the factors that were important to you and went up. However your sense of entitlement and sadly a poor understanding of cultural values is appalling. I am happy that you found it magical up there, but perhaps in the future you should show some gratitude for the privilege to have been allowed up and some more respect for the people of the land.

Well said MOO.
by: Peter

Moo - you are very wise and well spoken. I agree with you completely.

I would like to hear from someone who desperately wanted to climb the rock and chose not to. No teetotaler ever condemned prohibition.

Ayers Rock is magical at the top. I spent five hours on it and explored it from one end to the other and across. Any one who says it is flat has not been up there. Any one who thinks climbing it is just for the view is also grossly mistaken.

The rock talks to you. The sounds the different layers make are wonderful, the waterholes and little section of scrub are fantastic. The plants and the sense of isolation are not to be missed.

Many people miss out on these due to time constraints and/or ignorance. Tourists can be awful no matter where they are.

The toilet issue is a Park Management issue not a climbing issue. I saw not litter or waste on the rock but plenty around the base. There are many ways this could be addressed.

The park could learn much by following how White Island in New Zealand is managed - granted with only a small fraction of the tourists or The Half dome at Yosemite (great video on website Rocks with Charisma.

If we persist with US and THEM rather than just US we will never reconcile.

There are profound cultural differences between the "Whites" and "Blacks". (not dissimilar to the Indians and the Fijians)These are unlikely to be solved in our lifetime, if ever. We need to compromise. We need to accept that there really is no right or wrong in this. It should be a choice.

For the "thinkers". What do you think the average Australian thinks when they save up their hard earned money and travel to the Red Centre? What image of Aborigines do they come back with?

A race that bans the climb; needs special laws for alcohol and pornography; gets government funding to do no work and is not evident in the work force proportional to their population. (40% of Alice Springs is Aboriginal - we saw none in employment in the shopping centre and only two at Ayers Rock). This is the surface view. The deeper view is even more troubled with the "Black Mafia", drugs, assault and burglaries.

There are many issues to deal with and none of them will be fixed by bans or simplistic views of what is right and wrong or decent.

Don't climb it!
by: Anonymous

Aborigines say they didn't want people to climb it, so don't. We should respect their wishes. And also, I went on a tour to Uluru and they told us heaps about their culture and didn't exclude us at all. And erosion is actually making Uluru smaller and climbing definitely isn't helping. If people keep climbing it, it will become so small that it won't be the biggest rock anymore.

Against the climb
by: Aboriginal Supporter

The Aboriginals are not just saying, "DON'T CLIMB" because their culture says it's wrong, they say it because their culture says that they are responsible for the rock, any idiot who climbs it and the flora and fauna surrounding it.

Also the erosion of Uluru is appalling, thousands of idiots climbing to conquer it. Well I say you're not conquering anything, just ruining and changing a beautiful landscape. Uluru does erode naturally, but it does so very very slowly! If climbing isn't banned then in a few thousand years, there'll be nothing left to see!

Also plenty of people are injured, or die on the climb every year. This is what upsets the Aboriginals the most!

And because there are no toilets up top, people believe they can relieve themselves upon the sacred monolith, thus when it rains all the germs and bacteria found in excretion is released upon the waterholes nearby, then the animals that drink there end up with an infection, and DIE!

So please think carefully before you do climb. I do hate idiots, but I hate it more when they die, before I can tell them the truth.

Thank You.
And don't climb, it's your idiotic life you're risking.

climb reply
by: Anonymous

The climb itself was amazing and I feel strongly that people should be allowed to climb if they want to.

Show some respect
by: Anonymous

Dear Moo/ you refer to your family as quarter cast! You are aboriginal or not, it's like being pregnant - you are either pregnant or not - or your way of thinking of being quarter pregnant! Listen to the Owners of the land and understand their reasoning. The Anangu people are very special and have great respect for conservation and preservation, this land was their means of survival and existence a lot longer than the last couple of hundred years. Mr friend just purchased a farm in north west NSW. He owns it and has occupied it for about 3 months. If I go there I would obey his rules wouldn't I? The Anangu people are not shutting people out like farmers, they are inviting you in to share what they have and make you feel very welcome. The Anangu people feel responsible for you, and the amount of adverse events that occur horrifies them and not forget the rescue units that put their own safety at risk for these idiots that do not follow basic instructions or are not fit to climb! Then in return we have a number of despicable individuals as a way of showing their lack of appreciation and piss on their home. You have missed the whole message!

hello peeps:)
by: Anonymous

Hey everyone!

I am a young person who stumbled upon this site and have taken great delight in reading all these comments from people, some who think clearly and reasonably, and others who are ... maybe a little 'culture proud'??

OK, I'm a white person who believes in equality, human rights and ... well, enjoying life! I've read all the Uluru-related blogs on this site and let me tell you - some people just go over the top! Humans are equal. Rights are fair. No 'religion, cult, group or race' has any superior control over a land. Respect and equality applies to everyone and everything.

We are 'forbidden by aboriginal law' to climb Uluru, but they can slash our tyres, damage our women, set fire to houses, be violent in public, steal our belongings - but this is OK because they believe we invaded 'their' land. I disagree.

peeps, you need to get over it. I reckon some people just like to be difficult and a stick in the mud coz they like to be :)

One should not trust white!
by: Anonymous

It is in the history that white people have never respected anyone. They terrorise people. Take their land, destroy their culture and then celebrate within the boundary to feel proud of!

One should not trust white!

Blame ignorance and Bob Hawke
by: Vid

I'm guilty. In the early seventies I climbed Ayers Rock. I was a young man travelling around the world. Someone had put a chain up it and climbing was encouraged. I'd already climbed to the top of Giza pyramid in Egypt. That was some old blokes grave.
A couple of years back I had the opportunity to climb Uluru. Older and wiser I decided against it. Why? Because I have learnt to respect people and their property. My understanding is Bob Hawke (remember him. Australian PM) in 1983 agreed to return ownership back to the Anangu people. The agreement was based on a ten point plan (one being forbidding the climb). Needless to say as a politician he lied.
The chain should be removed ASAP. If you want permission to climb the rock ask the owner. If the owner says no respect the decision. If you want to climb something try Everest at a cost of $30,000 plus.

Please Explain
by: Tuffaz

I have not read or heard any reasons why the Rock should not be climbed. Please expand my knowledge on this matter.

Go Moo
by: Maya

I totally agree with you moo! It is a rock that belongs to the world not just the aboriginals. I do respect them but seriously we are all humans and equal so we should all have a choice if we were to climb or not!

Uluru is a rock
by: Australian man

We have to tolerate Aboriginal only football on TV. Would there be an uproar if we wanted to telecast Caucasian only footy too? I don't want to stop another's beliefs, I just want to climb a rock, the bigger the better. If we start going down this religion path, we'll have bloody women in burkas and all the horrific crimes of the past. You get respect by endearing yourself, you don't get it by command. Allow people to climb and use the money to prevent corruption of the culture by alcohol and drugs. Maybe they could use the money to build more gaols to hold the child rapists that thrive in Aboriginal society. There ya go... honest but true. If they ban climbing it, can they please allow Caucasian only football on the telly then too! That should completely divide us. My mother was Welsh but I don't call myself a Welsh man. So please if you aren't born with both parents full blood Aboriginal, just be happy to call your self Australian. It just seems a better way to remove the division. Got it.

No. Also, it's Uluru not Ayre's Rock
by: Common Sense AKA Stfu

This is honestly the dumbest thing ever. The Anangu aren't just banning it for cultural reasons, but environmental and safety reason too! People die climbing Uluru. Temperatures soar and people shit up there. People also litter, which washes into the surrounding area when it rains. The rock is eroding at an accelerated rate because idiots feel it's ok to hike up an important cultural landscape.

Stop being disrespectful
by: sienna

What would you do if people started to climb onto your roof because the 'view is magic'? You'd be upset, right? What if the people climbing died or got injured? You'd feel responsible. And what if they, in the process of climbing, damaged your home and urinated on your home? You would be even more upset upset and rightfully so. Yes, the view is spectacular and 'magical' but that does not give you a right to climb it. You're trying to justify your disrespect and down-right ignorance because of a 'once in a life time view'. It's ridiculous, really. iI think you're skimming over these comments but not really processing them. It's a matter of simple respect that shows what kind of person you are that you value an experience that you can get anywhere else, where it won't disrespect people, over the respect of the traditional owners of the land.

You are disgusting.
by: Anonymous

Your lack of compassion for the people of this land is disgusting.

I hope someone shits on your families grave and you feel what my family feel when revolting people like you climb such a sacred site.
I hope the spirits of our beautiful land haunt you for the rest of your life and you attract nothing but bad luck.

Choices and respect...
by: Anonymous

In response to ‘you are disgusting’ - Yip and that’s when people turn off and say "whatever"! Ranting and raving, oozing hate and malice and ultimately getting personal and judging someone’s whole being and character and cursing their very existence and their families based on their view of an issue, rather than presenting a counter argument/view - simply because they don’t agree with your opinion and won’t accept your belief - simply creates bigger divides and barriers. People have views and different ones. These days it seems only one person is deemed to have the right of free speech and that always seems to be one who starts with the insults. Getting personal does not solve problems, it elevates and exacerbates them. It makes things worse. Stick to the point and maybe try to understand another’s perspective and then everyone might learn something and actually get somewhere.

I’m reading these posts because my husband wants to take our children to Uluru before it closes to climb. He did the climb when he was 12 and it was a profound experience for him. He remembers it visibly. He is a proud Australian who adores this land, its nature and wildlife. He wants our children to experience it too. It’s as simple as that - and no he doesn’t see the aboriginal claim to the rock as a reason for not experiencing it. In his mind this doesn’t make him disrespectful. He believes nature belongs to everyone and everyone should respect nature, learn about it by exploring it. In my opinion his inexperience with aboriginal culture and his own lack of spiritual belief prevents him from even beginning to understand indigenous spiritual traditions and innate connections to the land which in turn means he’ll never see this as a valid reason to not climb. It’s not something he’ll ever understand. He is a logical being and questions everything. With his mind and heart. He uses logic and is spiritually inept.

Me? Well I’m a little different. I don’t want to climb the rock. And yes my main reason is because I wish to respect the indigenous beliefs and customs. I am spiritual. Another is my fitness. But then my mother is Samoan and my experiences are different to my hubbie. I am white and identify as a NZ - because I was born there - but I always feel home when I visit Samoa. The feeling is strong and it is innate but although I can articulate it, I can’t make others feel it. My hubbie has tried to understand but it is unreasonable to expect he do my bidding every time I tell him to based on how I feel, my cultural experiences or by citing respect. If it was that easy, I’d have everyone in my life controlled.

I won’t try to stop my hubbie climbing because his reasons for doing so are just as valid as mine for not. His is from a love for nature and a desire for our kids to also develop that love and respect (for nature and for freedom of choice which he believes is diminishing). I believe he has a right to make his own decision - at least up until October 2019 when that choice will be taken out of his hands, much to the relief of the Anangu people I’m sure. We are both aware of safety issues and are responsible nature lovers - allowing our kids to go toilet on the rock is not an option and would never have been - and safety with kids is paramount. For those who comment that parents are irresponsible I have to laugh. I don’t think any parents decide on the climb lightly and would always be on guard during every part of the climb. Kids have to have experiences to discover their own limitations. In today’s society it seems we’re also working on changing that.

It's their call & we don't have to like it.
by: Anonymous

Try not to compare the Uluru ban with Islam and its practice. The culture of the tribe(s) that surround the Uluru who consider it's sacred is hardly comparable to organized and bloody religions of western world and middle east. I personally prefer climbing the Uluru and enjoying the amazing view and surroundings, but it is Aboriginal people's call at the end of the day because it appears that is the only thing they have left to structurally remind of their culture and beliefs. So, it may be not our liking, but we need to respect their wishes since most of their culture and people have been massacred and wiped out from most of the areas of the massive island. I personally don't like the idea of not being able to climb Uluru, but hey too bad, get over it.

by: Anonymous

I would not climb the rock out of respect.

by: Jan

Given you do not understand or have access to Aboriginal culture as your reasoning for not banning climbing Uluru, then if I'm a Christian then it would be OK to clamber over a mosque as I may not understand their culture. I think your thinking is extremely limited.

Not sure
by: Anonymous

The religious aspect is interesting. I understand the rock is sacred to the local indigenous. But it's not strictly sacred to the non indigenous. But the non indigenous are requested to follow the order not to climb, because it's sacred to the indigenous.

Traditional marriage was sacred to some religions. Catholics for example. The community chose to ignore this, and voted for same sex marriage, which some religions see as sacrilege. The community as a whole no longer wanted the religious views of some imposed upon them by others. Fair enough too.

How is this different from the indigenous imposing their views on the non indigenous, also for religious reasons?

Cheers Moo
by: a student

Cheers Moo, you helped me out a bit with my essay I'm writing. I chose it because I'm pssionate about our Australian culture and its background and love the outdoors. I believe we should be allowed to climb Uluru and don't understand why the aboriginals can't accept the fact that we can all enjoy its privileges. You helped me voice my ideas Moo so cheers mate.

by: a student

And also, when did you make this?

The Climb
by: mjr

I went out there in April 2019 for the express purpose of climbing it.

It was magical. While I have no wish to desecrate anything, I have no belief in Aboriginal Dreamtime myths and care not that they claim rights over a big rock.

I've had plenty of advice as well that while the caves and waterholes around the base are sacred, the summit is not. Myths created by bleeding heart lefties wanting to control what others do to fan their own virtue signalling.

The whole cultural teaching signs out there were laid on so thick as to be nauseating. I ignored it all and didn't even visit the cultural centre despite being there 3 days.

Watch the climb reopen, but for $$, when visitor numbers plummet after it's closed.

Let People Climb!
by: Richard-From-London

It's quite wrong that aboriginal groups within the sovereign country of Australia can deny access to a major geological feature of global significance. If people want to climb and explore Ayers Rock they should be allowed to do so, it's one of the major tourist attractions in Australia. It should be possible to create an access schedule that takes into account Aboriginal sensitivities while still allowing visitors substantial periods when it can be climbed.

If something good exists then people should be allowed to visit it and have reasonable access, which in the case of Ayers Rock means climbing to the top and taking a look around. Trying to entice visitors all the way to Ayers Rock and then preventing them from climbing it is a bit of a con. I'm not that interested in Aboriginal culture or the surrounding area; like a lot of people I just want to climb Ayers Rock! And I’m happy to pay to do so.

I don't believe that there's been a drop in the underlying demand to climb Ayers Rock, it's just that the authorities have restricted access and generally put obstacles in place to try to discourage or prevent people climbing. This has reduced the number of climbers, so more restrictions are put in place, it’s a vicious circle. The opposite should happen: increase access, make it easier to climb and put better facilities in place - that will encourage visitors. The authorities are deluding themselves if they think that preventing visitors from climbing Ayers Rock is a smart move that will encourage tourism. If climbing was better facilitated there would be a lot more visitors.

Pandering to unreasonable demands from minority groups won't help others to respect their culture; rather it will encourage hostility, resentment, a lack of respect and intolerance. I might be more interested in Aboriginal culture if I didn’t perceive it as actively working against my interests.

Preventing visitors from climbing Ayers Rock sends a very poor message to tourists generally. By treating tourists so badly at one of the principal attractions it's like Australia as a whole is actively discouraging tourism. I'm interested in visiting Australia and I'd like to visit central Australia to visit Alice Springs and climb Ayers Rock. But if I couldn't climb Ayers Rock then I wouldn't visit central Australia at all, I'd spend my time and money elsewhere in Australia. Or maybe not visit Australia at all!

Option to climb Uluru
by: Anonymous

I hoped one day to travel to the Centre and see Uluru, but I am less likely do so now that climbing the rock is to be prohibited from October 2019. The reasons for the ban arise, I understand, from the beliefs of the local Aboriginal people; I have no wish to disrespect those beliefs but I do not share them. I would not go there determined to do the climb, but I would like to have the option. It is possible that I would decide not to climb. I would like to make up my own mind when I am there and the place has had a chance to influence me.

I climbed
by: Zag

My family was fortunate to climb the rock last year and it is an amazing experience. The cultural reasons given for not climbing are vague at best and after consideration they were not compelling enough for me not to climb. I believe we are entitled to our own spiritual connection to the land and it is equally as valid. For me, climbing the rock was a natural thing to do, as it has been for people over tens of thousands of years. I left no rubbish behind. As for the notion of eroding the rock, people have clearly lost sight of the fact we ourselves are part of nature. Why is ancient rock art seen as ok, but not my slight contribution to evidence of thousands of human feet walking and enjoying the same path. I 100% believe this will only be a temporary closure and the climb will be reopened. Let’s just hope it doesn’t become a highly controlled, expensive and therefore exclusive tourist activity.

Uluru ban
by: Anonymous

I don't get the label "traditional owners". I was led to believe the Aboriginal culture says you can't own the land? So why has government caved into the demands of the 3% of Australians who identify as 1st Australians and given them Ayres Rock, Monkey Mia etc.
If you dig into Australia's real history, it shows this country was inhabited by 3 different cultures (Asian and New Guinea peoples) here before the Aboriginal people as we know them, so why do they want to be recognised as the first people? My family is 4 generations Australian. Shouldn't we have just as much right to experience the wonders of this beautiful country?

Go broke
by: Anonymous

I climbed the rock and walked around it, wouldn't go other wise, it's a long drive the NT charges like crazy, Yulara is the most expensive fuel, and like all of the NT you pay to look at bush, rocks and water!
I will explore more of WA instead of getting ripped off in the NT, you pay for permits which helps the locals and they steal what ever they can get, lock up and keep goods out of sight, and they want respect, go broke!

U really serious?
by: Anonymous

You're calling this a fucking crisis when we have the highest suicide rates for indigenous men and youth in the world, when there isn't even a million of us, I reckon that's a bloody crisis. If they were white people necking themselves left right and centre it would be a national crisis so don't try bust out saying that Uluru should not be closed. It's people like you who keep Australia the way it is today, worrying about things that don't even matter. All you white people go on about respect but you can't even respect the oldest culture in the world SMH y'all never learn

Allowed to climb
by: Pete

The first elder to take control of Uluru (Paddy Uluru) said in 1973 "if tourists are stupid enough to climb the rock, they are welcome to it". In fact, he saw it as a place of little interest because it had no trees and no animals to hunt! So why the 180 deg turn in attitude?
By way of comparison, Everest is also sacred. Sherpas not only allow climbing up it but help with carrying your luggage to assist getting to the top. Sherpas regard Everest as the "Mother Goddess of the world".
One race includes tourists whilst the other excludes. That to me, says a lot about the attitudes of the two groups of people.

by: Rooter

Correct Pete, not only did he say that but he also admitted to climbing it more than once himself. A quick Google search will reveal photos of Aborigines climbing the rock and swimming in the rock pools as early as 1947. (As I once did myself and it was spectacular.)
The don't climb argument has been invented by a younger generation of custodians who have twisted history to suit their own agenda.

Little fishes?
by: Anonymous

Well, if we continue to climb Uluru the rock will be eroded and the little fishies will die so why would you want to do that when you can look them up on Google?

by: Henry

The premise that one group of people feel they have rights over the land simply because they have lived there longer than other groups is utter nonsense. Allover the world, history shows that various groups of people occupied areas for thousand of years. Peoples moved on and other groups filled the void or joined those who arrived earlier.
None of those lay claims to some ancient occupation.

Historically, Aboriginal people in Australia never were present in large populations across the continent. Most were nomadic. To now claim ownership of only those landmarks that are popular (read financial rewarding), such as Ayers Rock, the Grampians, Kakadu etc. is opportunistic. In this process they are more than happy to take money for the so called "invaders".

Most Australians came from the other side of the world to make this amazing country their home and worked hard to build a good life and live together. Lets not create some apartheid society.

My rock too
by: Anonymous

This geographical marvel has been there for 500 million years. It will be there for another 500 million years. How can anyone claim sole ownership? I've climbed The Rock as an Australian born in this country. It belongs to me and every other Australian who identifies as such. This is so wrong and will only further the gap between Aboriginals and all the other people who live in this country. I do not identify with their culture and expect that when revenue and tourists start declining the Anangu will let people climb agian for a fee.

Moronic Ban
by: Bryan Stubbs

Well, when the backside falls out of of the local economy due to the ban, the local indigenous community will have to slap themselves in the face & put their arm out for more govt handouts. Nothing changes.

Sacred?? NO
by: Luke.S

Uluru is NOT a sacred site. There is only one area, at the base of the rock, and away from the climb track that is reserved for initiated men and initiates. It is banned to ALL women and the un-initiated.
Paddy Uluru not only guided climbs, but so did many other elders. The very idea that the rock is "sacred" is an invention of a new SELF ENTITLED bunch of ANANGU, for what I suspect is an ulterior motive. If anyone is familiar with what happened to the Cotterills at Wallarah Ranch Resort near Kings Canyon, they will know what I'm talking about. Mr Cotterill had an agreement with Paddy Uluru that he could stay and lease the land Wallarah was on for as long as he wanted. That all changed when Paddy died. The self entitled, greedy mob ordered him off the land, calculating they would get themselves a ready built Resort. Well, 48 hrs before he was to be evicted, with the entitled mob camped nearby, ready to pounce and occupy Wallarah, he jumped into a hired bulldozer, and levelled EVERYTHING, swimming pools, buildings, everything, except... The grave of his daughter who had died shortly before from a childhood illness. If you want to verify the truth of this, ask Mr Cotterill: He owns Orange Creek station just south of Alice Springs. My main concern is that this blatantly obvious LIE about sacredness will only harm reconciliation. Tell me, would you trust a liar?? If you think I'm being a racist, think again, I'M INDIGENOUS myself.

The End
by: Anonymous

Has the chain been taken down yet?

Dont close the Rock climb
by: Anonymous

How dare one tiny section of the community lay claim to a geological formation that is probably 500 million years old. The Rock will still be here in another 500 million years but I'm sure the Anangu or my people won't be.

I am indigenous having been born in Australia and therefore Uluru is as much my heritage as anybody else's. Talk about creating division and ill feeling. The Aboriginal culture is not a defining factor in me being an Australian and I will never embrace their separatist flag.

Congratulations to all those virtue signallers out there, you've just managed to alienate the vast majority of Australians.

I'll be interested to see if the locals introduce paid climbing when revenue inevitably declines.

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