Don't climb - here's why

by Alison

Hi everyone, I arrived back to Melbourne last night from Uluru. Please don't climb the rock. We need to collectively stay off it, and here's why.

People go to the toilet up there. It's gross. They also drop rubbish. This all washes down the rock and into the rock pools further down the rock, which is making Aboriginal kids sick because the rock pools are their swimming holes and drinking water.

Show some respect, please.

Comments for Don't climb - here's why

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What a joke...
by: Berroff

Dear Alison

You made me laugh. Toilets obviously are not a part of our aboriginal culture and for this reason park authorities decided not to build any (except for the so called "cultural" centre). I've climbed many great rocks & mountains here & OS and most of them didn't have toilets too. Shall we ban climbing & defecating in Oz or worldwide because of lack of toilets, superstition, stone age thinking or just plain stupidity?
For more see "Uluru - frequently unanswered questions"

by: Alison

Uluru is a rare site, in that there is no vegetation to catch, filter, distribute the faeces etc. I disagree with your "stone age" thinking. I spent time with an indigenous person at the base of the rock, an opportunity missed when climbing it. These people are masters in sustainability and working with the enviroment, rather than against it. This should be respected.

Masters in sustainability?
by: Berroff

I’m not sure if any of us knows what sustainability is... We all destroy nature pretty well and aborigines are by no means an exception. Aboriginal firestick hunting turned this whole continent from lush tropical heaven into semi-desert. How sustainable is this? It is about time to get rid of the myths and face the truth. Going back to the stone age will not solve our problems nor restore nature.

Great atmosphere on the rock.
by: Anonymous

I was most impressedwhen I climbed in July. There was No Mess. No Rubbish and the people on the climb were very respectful.

I spoke to over fifty people who climbed the rock the same day I did and all had stories to tell of their dreams of climbing it and how angry it made them that the aborigines seem to close it on a whim. Many were very upset that their children and grandchildren will not be able to climb it. The friendly atmosphere on the climb is fantastic. People who would never normally speak to each other were chatting and offering help and encouragement. It was a wonderful community feel that will be lost.

Don't Climb
by: Anonymous

Why don't you all just show some respect for another culture, here or overseas! The indigenous OWNERS of this land ask you to respect their beliefs and culture and NOT climb it!! Try not to be too ignorant when in someone else's back yard.

Mind your own business
by: Brett

I'm pretty sure it's not against the law to climb it so believe me if I'm driving thousands of kms to see it- I'm climbing it and peolpe who say I shouldn't should mind their own business! I get sick of people telling others what they should and shouldn't do. Worry about yourself!

they are the OWNERS
by: Anonymous

they own the rock and seeing it without climbing it is still amazing.
The Aboriginals are the the traditional owners of the whole of Austrailia and they gave the right to say that we can't climb Uluru, it also is a very sacred land for they're people.

by: Anonymous

I see you are thinking of yourself there, and have no regard for one of the longest lasting cultures on earth.

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