Similar resources for coastal Australia?

by Kareesu

I love the idea of this site, it's well laid out and the whole concept is... nothing short of beautiful and what society and, more particular, Australia is all about...

I've just done 15 years of study, 4 years of full time work and I'm looking for a break. Not a sit in airconditioning at the beach kind of holiday, but an exploration break (of about 6 months).

I've more an interest in hugging the coastal areas and (from Brisbane) heading south to Tasmania. Is there a site, really similar to this one (thanks for this site, I've linked it quite a few times ;)), that covers that kind of area?

Honestly, thanks in advance.

Kareesu, AU - Brissy

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Other Australian sites
by: Birgit

Hi Kareesu,

Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad you like my site so much, and thanks also for the links. Much appreciated.

Well, I don't know any site that would be really similar to mine but covers the whole coastal area you are interested in. That's not saying there isn't one, but since I have little interest in that area I do not naturally come across any sites about it...

I do know there are more and more SBI websites being built about travel in different regions of Australia.

SBI is what I use for my websites (see my About page), and it's the main reason that my site is as it is. It's what SBI teaches.

So if you find other SBI sites then you know the people behind it are at least trying to provide information of the same quality and detail as you find on this site. They are always personal sites of people who live in the region and love where they live...

Note that some of those sites are very new, so while in a year or two they will probably rival mine, they may not be what you are looking for right now. (As you can probably imagine, it takes a while to put something like this together).

Below is a list of Australian SBI sites for that area that I am aware of. Hope you find some help there!

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